Little children love to pray. They pray quite naturally,
because God is very real for them and very close for
them. But if they are to stay praying as adults, prayer
must be a part of their home life from their earliest
years and not just of school life.
Parents, the most essential part of
teaching religion to your children is to teach them
to pray. You will teach them to pray not by telling
them to pray, not by scolding them if they don't say
their prayers. You will teach them to pray more by praying
with them. Don't just tell your children:
"Go off to bed now and don't forget
to say your prayers."
Instead say: "We will say our
prayers now."
Pray with your young children. Pray with your older
children. Be seen praying by your children. If prayer
is important to you it will be seen as important by
your children. Parents who pray, homes that pray, prepare
a praying generation for the future.
In fact, you parents will learn about
praying yourselves by praying with your children. Little
children are very close to God. Didn't Our Lord say:
"The Kingdom of Heaven belongs
to little children."
Your children will bring you also closer
to God. Children often understand God better than grown-ups
do. Their ways of praying can teach us all a lot about
how to pray.