- If you can’t talk to each other try talking to ACCORD.
For an appointment with ACCORD Marriage and Relationship
Counselling telephone 71362475.

Could you make a child happy again after a difficult
start in life? Family Care Society is presently seeking
adoptive families who would be interested in parenting children
aged between 3 – 8 years and who need the love and
attention of a caring and understanding family. For further
information please contact Family Care Society on Belfast
90691133 or Derry 71368592 or email: email@familycaresociety.org
or visit their website www.familycaresociety.net.

Parents Helpline
- it helps to talk. Free Confidential Service - Freephone
08088010722, Monday and Wednesday 9.00 am - 8.00 pm. Tuesday,
Thursday & Friday: 9.00 am - 5.00 pm or contact the
local office Monday to Friday, 9.00 am - 4.30 pm at 71372006
or visit www.parentsadvicecentre.org.

The Society
of St Vincent de Paul urgently requires good quality
clothes and household furniture. Please contact 71265489
or 71268325 for collection.

Diocese Child Protection
A lot of work has
been accomplished in the area of Child Protection in the
Diocese over the past number of years due to the commitment
of personnel at all levels in the diocese from the Bishop
through to dedicated Parish Representatives working on the
ground in all parishes.
The Diocese of Derry
continues to put in place those structures, personnel, policies
and procedures that will try to ensure the protection and
welfare of children and young people in a manner consistent
with statutory requirements and Church guidelines. In the
light of the teaching of the Church, Civil Legislation and
Guidance, every part of the Church community must be committed
to taking the necessary steps to:
• Demonstrate
that the right of the child to protection from harm is paramount.
• Cherish and safeguard children and young people.
• Foster best practice.
• Support Church organisations and personnel in safeguarding
• Establish safe recruitment and vetting practices
– aimed at preventing those who pose a risk to children
from holding positions of trust.
• Maintain codes of behaviour – having clear
guidelines that set out what is and is not acceptable behaviour
as an essential part of keeping children safe.
The Diocese now has
a Child Protection Committee, Diocesan Co-ordinator, two
Diocesan Trainers and a network of Parish Representatives.
The trainers deliver
information on “best practice” and raise awareness
of child protection issues; they also provide support to
parishes within the Diocese. In turn the Parish Representatives
will pass on this information and raise awareness within
their local parish communities. This is done through information
evenings that have been and continue to be held throughout
the Diocese.
Notices are displayed
in our churches which include the Diocesan Policy Statement,
contact numbers for statutory authorities for anyone with
a concern in relation to child protection or who wish to
make an allegation as well as the names and contact numbers
of the diocesan delegates.

Children in St Eugene’s Parish
The safe-guarding
of children is at the very heart of the church’s activity.
The relationship between Jesus and children was one which
valued them and nurtured them. The example of Jesus is,
of course, always our standard.
In our parish many
people work together to safe-guard children taking part
in church activities. Our Parish Representatives for Child
Protection are key to this. Along with all who work with
children in the parish community, best practice in child-safeguarding
is our goal.
Within the Diocese
as part of best practice, it is important that each parish
fulfil the POCVA requirements of civil law in Northern Ireland.
This is the vetting process for all who work with children,
whether as employees of the parish or as volunteers. I would
ask everyone to cooperate in vetting, both those who are
new recruits to parish activies with children, and those
who have generously done so for many years. Child safe-guarding
is part of our Christian calling.
I thank all of you,
who are engaged with children in this parish, for the wonderful
work you do, building up the Kingdom of God among the next
generation of young Catholics.
Séamus Hegarty
: 7126 8467
St. Vincent dePaul : 7126 5489
AL-ANON : 9068 2368
AA : 9043 4848
Ireland Children’s Hospice seeks volunteers
in the Derry area. The Children’s Hospice provides
respite and end of life care for children and young people
suffering from life-limiting illnesses both in the Children’s
Hospice and in the child’s own home. For further information
please contact Rachelle Norry on 07866701350 or email her
at rachelle.norry@nihospicecare.com
Action’s Advice Service has put together
a leaflet and standard letter for anyone who feels they
may wish to challenge their bank or building society regarding
excessive penalty charges to their account. Please call
in for a leaflet to Disability Action, 58 Strand Road or
telephone to make an appointment to discuss your concerns
or telephone 71360811 and ask for Claire-Marie or Patricia.
NEXUS Counselling
Service offers support to anyone who has been sexually
abused, sexually assaulted or raped at any time in their
life and are now 17 years old or over. NEXUS believe that
the survivor is never to blame, regardless of the circumstances.
NEXUS offers workshops for survivors of sexual abuse on
a variety of topics including anger management, stress management,
self-awareness and assertiveness. Family Education and Support
Groups are offered for family members, parents and partners
or survivors who may also need support. Contact NEXUS in
confidence at 71260566.