of St Eugene’s Cathedral
Draw’ Prizewinners
1st Prize - £25,000 0247 Kathleen
Canning, 9 Rosemount Gardens.
2nd Prize £5,000 0472 Danny McCourt, 4 Abbey Park.
3rd Prize £5,000 0893 Sean O’Driscoll, 6
Limewood Street.
4th Prize £2,000 0222 Charles Harkin, 45 Francis
5th Prize £2,000 0370 Dympna Markey and Bernadette
Bradley, Ardavon House.
6th Prize £2,000 0042 Mrs M Faller, c/o Promotor.
7th Prize £2,000 0685 Spasie McGilloway, c/o Gallagher’s
8th Prize £2,000 0156 Rose Murray, 26 Glenbrook
9th Prize £1,000 0791 Eamon and Kathleen McCloskey,
72 Glen Road.
10th Prize £1,000 0335 Eddie McAteer, 5 Creggan
11th Prize £1,000 0271 Annie Beattie, 37 College
12th Prize £1,000 0152 Sheila & Joe McCourt,
3 Oakfield Crescent.
13th Prize £1,000 1029 Garvin Kerr, 80 Kylemore
14th Prize £1,000 0740 Elaine Whitehouse, 30 Westway.
15th Prize £1,000 0978 Lynn Tierney, 9 Little Diamond.
16th Prize £1,000 0808 Paul O’Kane, 99 Strabane
Old Road.
17th Prize £1,000 0604 Siobhan McCann, 77 Elmvale.
18th Prize £1,000 0368 Tilly McKinney, 4 Rockfield.
19th Prize £500 0798 Lisa McShane, 48 William Street.
20th Prize £500 0841 Raymond O’Connor, 3
Tyrconnell Street.
21st Prize £500 0136 Hanna Crilly, 53 Messines
22nd Prize £500 0588 Don Clarke, 49 Marlborough
23rd Prize £500 0631 Mrs M Duffy, Helen Street.
24th Prize £500 0996 Ann Monaghan, 33 Prehen Park.
25th Prize £500 0688 Linda Moore, 18 Iona Court.
26th Prize £500 0584 Connor Donaghey, c/o Lisa
McLaughlin, BT Telephone Exchange.
27th Prize £500 0865 Bertie Barrett, 10 Chamberlain
28th Prize £500 0981 Gay Bracken, 53 Aberfoyle
Promotors Draw - 10 x £100
Brendan Fleming, 51 Osborne Street, Christine Curran,
52 Marlborough Street, Maria Harkin, 15 Lisfannon Park,
Anne Griffin, 10 Northland Drive, Ellen Rose Barr, 27
Northland Drive, Nellie Dunnion, 12 Argyle Terrace, Philomena
Wilson, 54 William Street, Kathleen McLaughin, 89 Cable
Isobel Porter, 9 Lisfannon Park, Kay Carey, 65 Osborne